mY tWO fISh, MyStERio y EpHeStO, aRe nAmED afTeR mAskED wReSTlerS fRoM frEEstYLe pRo-WreSTliNg. I dOn’T reALly lIKe wReStLing bECauSe iT’s jUSt bIg, sWeATy mEn gRUntIng aNd thROwiNg eAch oTHer arOUnD. But, it’s so big over here that you can’t help but see at least one masked man every day.
Really, I named my fish after luchadors because they are dumb. They both make the same breathless, puffing faces. It’s so ugly and funny. Luchadors never see the setup either – when their opponent does a flying headscissor they never see it coming – talk about short memories!
My family aren't known for keeping pets - they're all too busy with work. But my aunt did have a little cat called Isabel.
We all called her Isa.