I dON’t gEt wHaT’s sO iNTerEsTIng aBoUT lOokINg aT thInGS tHaT aRe tOO smALl tO eVeN sEe.
Papá looks at “the building blocks of life”, he keeps telling me, but I just think we’re made this way for a reason. Why are they playing around with what makes us human?
He’s tried in the past to get me interested (I really think he wanted me to take after him - seguir los pasos de alguien). Once, we did this experiment to extract
When Mama saw where Papá had snapped the
I’ve just found the experiment we did. It’s here if you want to give it a go for yourself.
Papá always told me never to do any experiments unsupervised. Like he thinks I’m still a little girl and interested in science.