PaPá iS aLWayS aWAy oN buSIneSS, sO MaMa aNd AbUEliTa, pReTTy mUch, bROugHt mE uP. EvEN wHen pApá iS hOMe I hArDLy sEe hiM bECauSe hE’S sO oBSesSEd wItH hIs wORk.
Before Abuelita died, she used to say that’s where I got my determination from. She was the same though. Nobody ever won an argument against Abuelita. She was a testarudo old lady. Once she’d set her mind on something, there was no way to change it. She’d give you un golpecito just for trying. Not that it would hurt – Papá used to clutch his cheek like a little boy, while she would continue to wag her finger, just to wind her up. And she’d brandish a rolling pin until he fled the kitchen, laughing. Territorial as a gato (miaow!), prowling the kitchen and salón, keeping the rest of us in order.
Papá loves his genetics, but I love computer programming. OK, I’m a nerd, get over it!!!!
I guess the only difference between him and me is that I’m playing around with software programs and he’s playing around with
It all sounds kinda boring.
WhAtEVer! It’s still programming.
Occasionally, he tries to interest me (seems to think science is cool), like, a couple of years ago he was going on about a breakthrough in fighting malaria…
I’ve just Googled it, and actually it’s a “breakthrough in understanding the genetics of” blah blah blah.
See, like I say - boring.
But you can read about it here if you think you fancy becoming a scientist.
Why do these things always have something to do with fruit flies?
AnYWay, iF YOu wAnt tO sAVe tHe wOrLd - wEAr a wHitE cOaT.